
Vinnova is going to establish a new innovation cluster

Vinnova, the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems, has been commissioned by the government to establish a national innovation cluster for advanced medicines.

The agency has been commissioned to set up guidelines for an innovation cluster for commercialisation, skills development and production capacity for cell therapies and other advanced therapies.

According to the government assignment, “the innovation cluster will utilise research results from universities and colleges and the healthcare system, as well as accelerate the growth of new companies and provide commercialisation support to small, medium-sized and large companies”. The new cluster will also complement the Testa Center in Uppsala and the innovation hub at NorthX Biologics in Matfors. The idea is that the three innovation hubs will work together.

Vinnova will submit an interim report on the assignment no later than 1 June 2024 and a final report no later than 30 September 2025.

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