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Automate E2E Image Analysis Pipelines

ZEISS arivis Pro - Your End-to-End Scientific Image Analysis Software.

ZEISS arivis Pro is your modular software for analysing multi-channel 2D, 3D and 4D images of almost unlimited size, highly scalable and independent of local system resources. Many modern microscope systems such as high-speed confocal, light sheet, super-resolution, electron microscopy or X-ray instruments can produce massive amounts of imaging data. With ZEISS arivis Pro, you can handle your datasets without constraints and get your results in next to no time!

For quantification of 3D image data the arivis analysis pipeline offers a robust and flexible click-and-play solution for automating processing and quantification of any kind of multidimensional microscope image data. Start your automated image analysis today, even if you are not an image analysis expert or programmer. Using ZEISS arivis Pro, even novices can set up an automated analysis pipeline. You can start with predefined workflows for common use cases. As you familiarize yourself with the software, combining different operators for denoising, segmentation, filtering, and other analysis tasks in a clearly structured pipeline is easily accomplished with an interactive preview. The analysis strategy and iterative approach of ZEISS arivis Pro allows image processing and segmentation of a small field of view, a 3D/4D subset, or the complete data set. Automating end-to-end (E2E) pipelines has never been easier.

Your Benefits

Analysis results can be reviewed in synchronized split view windows in 2D and 3D view simultaneously, which is particularly helpful for densely packed structures and for tracking experiments. The integrated Machine Learning functionality  allows the segmentation of even difficult samples easily and without deep knowledge of AI analysis methods.

- Immediate visualization, annotation and analysis on workstations and notebooks in 2D, 3D and 4D, regardless of image size
- Advanced and easy-to-use image analysis tools with interactive preview options
- Easy and integrated AI; local training or in the cloud. Use AI-driven models for image segmentation, and integrate them into an automated pipeline for quick and reliable results
- Automated, scalable and integrated workflows that connect ZEN, ZEISS arivis Cloud, MATLAB and more
- Distance measurements, compartmentalization and classification
- Easy creation and export of 3D/4D high-resolution images and movies for publication
- The scientific image analysis software directly integrates with the arivis Pro VR toolkit for productive and immersive visualization and analysis in Virtual Reality
- Process thousands of images in parallel with ZEISS arivis Hub, the scalable solution for data management, storage and processing.

Learn more here.

Carl Zeiss AB
Tegeluddsvägen 76
102 54 Stockholm
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5560353608

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